

Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Human Existence

Have you ever wondered how human beings can exist in this world? You might say, "Everyone has a mother and father." However, this answer is incorrect. Actually, that answer can not explain how the mother and father first, the first man, created. You may have heard the stories about this in school and from people around you. However, the only correct answer is that it is Allah Who created you. We will study this in depth in subsequent chapters. Now, there's one thing you all should know. The first man who appeared in this world upon whom be peace was the prophet Adam (AS). All humans are descendants. Adam, like us, are human beings who walk, talk, pray, and worship God. At first God created him, then God created his wife. Then their children spread throughout the world. Never forget that God commanded just need something to create it. When He wills for something to happen, He will command, "Be!" And that something else happens. He has a power that causes him to do everything. For example, He created Adam from soil.It is easy for Allah. However, do not forget that there are also people who deny the existence of God. These people give a different answer to the question of how humans occurs. They do not seek the truth. Suppose there is a cartoon character named Badu. Badu said, "I happen because the ink spilled on paper by chance, this paint is accidentally spilled, then forming the colors.So, I do not need anyone to draw myself and form I looked. I can place itself, by chance, "of course you would think that playing games alone. You know that the lines are nice, the colors and movement in the cartoon could not be formed simply by spilling paint haphazardly here and there, because the spill ink from the bottle will only cause the dirt.Dirt certainly can not create a good picture made of good lines too. In order for these cartoons can be recognized, and can be created, which has made him think about it, planned it, then draw it. To understand this, you do not need to see the artist and painter of images that Badu. Of course you already know that the image maker that Badu has determined its nature, shape, and color, and how to talking, running, or jump. After seeing this example, think well about the following: People who do not agree that it is Allah who created it actually also has lied, just like we talked about earlier Badu. Now let us suppose, that people like that say to us. Let's see how this guy tries to explain how he and all men are created. "Me, my mother and father, their parents, and parents who first lived on earth in the past appear by accident. Genesis accidentally (accidentally) created a body, eyes, ears, and all parts of our body. " The words of this man, who deny the God that created it, same with the words Badu earlier. The only difference is, Badu created from the lines and paint on a piece of paper. People were, by contrast, is a man who tubunya composed of flesh and bone.But, is there a difference? Is not the individual is a creature whose body is more complex and more perfect than a cartoon character Badu earlier? Is not his body consisting of the heart, liver, blood, and much more? In other words, if Badu impossible happen by accident, then certainly it would be impossible if human beings are created by accident. Now, let's ask that person: "You've got a good body with no defects and defects. Your hand can hold things very well, even better than a sophisticated machine. You can run with your feet. You've got the perfect eyes, sharper than the highest quality camera. You never listen to the voices that you do not want. No radios or tape that can produce sound as clear as that. Many parts of your body you do not realize working together for you to stay alive. For example, although you can not control anything for heart, kidney, or heart to keep working, it still works flawless and impeccable. Now, hundreds of scientists and engineers worked tirelessly to design machines that are similar to these organs. However, their efforts did not produce anything. Here's the proof, you are the perfect creature, which can not be imitated by man. How do you explain this? " People who deny that it is Allah who created everything might say: "I also know that we have a body without blemish, and tools that perfect body. But I believe that: the atoms are not alive and unconscious at once appeared accidentally to form organs and our bodies." You certainly could see that his words are illogical and strange. Whatever their age and whatever the job, people who say things like this would not be able to think clearly and have the wrong idea. And surprisingly, we often find people who believe in things that do not make sense of this. Because even the simplest machine must have made it, complex creatures like humans certainly can not happen by accident. No doubt, it is Allah who created man first. God also created the tools that first human body so they can breed and so came the next descendants. God ensure that mankind will continue to multiply with the inclusion of programs in human cells. We also happened thanks to a program that was created by God was, and continues to grow in accordance with the program. Which will you read on this issue in the following pages will make you able to achieve a better understanding about the fact that God, our Creator, has the power and infinite wisdom.

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